Printing on NSLU2

Using a Linksys NSLU2, I’ve got it unslung using v6.10.

Originally I got the NSLU2 because it seemed like a good, cheap way of getting a big networked data drive on my home network.
I quickly realized that the factory firmware from Linux was rather limited.

You get A LOT more functionality when you use Unslung.

The real bonus was that I was also going to get a home print server AND a more powerful shared network drive.

I started by carefully following the instructions to get the NSLU2 working with Unslung.
I chose to use a 250GB external USB drive connected to Port 1 for my Unslung install.
Once Unslung was installed, I was able to use the drive as an networked storage device.

The next step was to install CUPS and get the NSLU2 working as a print server.
I have an HP Photosmart 7350 that I wanted to use with the NSLU2.
All the instructions to add CUPS are available here

The actual CUPS installation when pretty smoothly – according to plan.

However, I got stuck once CUPS was installed, trying to get the printer to do anything.
I connected the usb cable to port 2. The port 2 light on the NSLU2 never lights up.
The CUPS instructions say that you should “just try printing” once you get CUPS installed.
I did this by trying to click the “Print Test Page” button for the default hp990c printer.
I got garbage out on my page.


  • I tried permissions changes, more software installs on the NSLU2… totally wrong approach.
  • Just leave the base CUPS install and config alone.

The hp990c should be setup as a RAW printer in CUPS on the NSLU2 at this point. If it isn’t (because you messed with it) – click “modifiy printer” and change the driver to RAW.

From either a Mac or Windows machine on your network you now setup an Internet Printer.

  1. Add Printer
  2. Networked Printer
  3. URL – the address should be the entire link to the CUPS address on your NSLU2
    • make sure to include the “http://”
    • also make sure to include the port “:631”
  4. When prompted, select the print driver that matches your printer
    • In my case for the Photosmart 7350 I had to click “Have Disk”
    • This also required having ALREADY INSTALLED the printer as a local usb connected printer so that the drivers were installed by the HP software in the directory c:\program files\HP Photosmart 11\enu\drivers
  5. Finish the Add Printer install and give it a try by printing a test page!


  2. Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:631/admin
    • This is the local admin control panel for the CUPS system that is built in to your Mac
  3. Use the Add Printer wizard
  4. Install using Internet Printing (HTTP)
  5. when you’re asked for the printer location, use the entire CUPS address on your NSLU2
    • make sure to include the “http://”
    • also make sure to include the port “:631”
  6. Finish the wizard and give it a try by clicking “print test page”

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