If you are running Ubuntu Edgy Eft (6.10), and have installed the latest version of Beagle, you might notice that your computer is running quite hot. This is because of a bug in the version of beagle that is shipped with Edgy. To check if you are suffering from these symptoms, just open a terminal window on Ubuntu, and type the command top. If the process beagled-helper is taking anymore than 2% of your CPU, then you are a victim of this bug (This is of course assuming that you have had Beagle installed and running for a few days, since Beagle might run up to 100% when it indexes your hard drive for the first time).
The fix
1. Add the following line to the list of repositories.
deb http://beagle-project.org/files/ubuntu/edgy/ ./2. Using Synaptic (or the installation tool of your choice), upgrade Beagle to the latest version (1.2.16)
3. Kill the beagled-helper daemon. To do this, get the pid for the beagle-helper process using the following command
ps -ef | grep beagled-helperThe output of this should be something like this
1000 29157 25899 0 16:46 pts/0 00:00:00 grep beagled-helperNow, run the following command (Note: replace 29157 with the appropriate number)
kill -9 29157
That’s it. Beagled will restart and now will stop killing your processor and you can start saving on your energy bills
Hope this helps someone.
pkill beagled-helper
should kill the process without having to do the ps -ef | grep … + kill
Thanks Karthik, that does make sense